I am feeling GREAT these days! i have a renewed sense of vigor, i'm feeling great about things, i'm loving the increase in birds to our neighborhood and our beautiful walks. What a treasure this beautiful place I call "home" is. We are getting a CRAZY early taste of summer here in the Pacific Northwest, particularly odd for us, this early. Usually its JULY. I'm lamenting not taking out summer clothes a month or two ago when i cleaned out our stored clothing stash for the kids, but gosh, i totally SHOULD have had another couple months to go! :) NOT that i'm complaining..
Sharing some pics from our recent nature walks...
Beautiful little Bethie Grace and her cherry blossoms |
The Neighborhood kids |
Elliott and his pretty flower |
Oh and i'm trying to take up guitar. Sigh... i have a good ear, perhaps TOO good, unfortunately, and sadly each time i strummed my sad attempt at a C# chord, it sounded different. My experience learning guitar has thus been that my boobs are in the way and my fingers hurt. Keeping it up though. I'm convinced i can do it. I'm going to blister those fingers and callous them up and make each C# sound the same!
Laughing at my failed attempts |
I also painted this week for the first time in AGES. I used liquid watercolor, the paintboard is what's in the background. it felt SO good... need to do this more.
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