Saturday, April 20, 2013

Heeeeey... hey hey! a beautiful day!

Yes, today was fun- so far, and it seems Andy is having a hard time getting monkey to sleep next door, but after a hellish day yesterday, in which i got my butt kicked, physically and emotionally by a certain autistic toddler who shall remain nameless, and who you'd NEVER know was being so foul today, as he's actiong like a perfect angel- THAT DAY, which at the end, i looked like this- (andy handed me a teddy bear, grabbed my ipod, and took a picture, hahaha.... )

Is thankfully over and is replaced by a very nice, pleasant day-  Alex is in Olympia all day at a convention thingy for mechanical engineers in which he and his engineering club have designed a car that they are entering in a competition, which he is amped about and required Andy to drive him to college at 6 am and come get him at 10 pm.  :)   I got out of that duty pretty fast :) i'll probably come with tonight though.   

As for the rest of us, Andy decided we were going to go swimming at the Y today, which i was initially reluctant about, but after i got over the initial dread of being seen in public in my swimsuit, i rememberd that i'm a self assured upper 30s aged woman and don't CARE what anyone thinks of my body, and went with it! Glad i did- it was SUPER fun.  we dropped the twins off in childcare... the amazing, blessed, beloved childcare, which meant it was just Andy and me, Nik-14, Chloe-12 Annabeth-9 and Leif-6 so the little kid micromanaging was to a minimum and i got to be a human in the pool! it was super fun, first we vegged out in the hot tub till i got a headache, then we went to the pool, and i was having the best time floating.   Just laying on my back and lightly flapping my feet and arms, and listening to the sounds of the pool, and just RELAXING, which is entirely foreign to me- my dr. at my last appt actually told me i need a massage :)  anyway, it was wonderful, we'll have to do that again soon!!  Then the girls and i found a family room and had a blast showering and giggling, so fun having girls.  <3   i plan to drag the hubs out of the house and make him go craft store shopping with me hopefully, while the kids do chores maybe... maybe we'll take ash?!  Anyway, off to continue the day.  Today things look brighter.  Thanking God for the occasional brighter day!! 

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