I don't know if anyone still reads here, but i've since stopped blogging about myself. Actually i've stopped blogging altogether, but i'm working on getting my homeschool blog up and running. If you are interested in following our family you can do so here:
Rebuilding Rebecca
Friday, May 26, 2017
Saturday, May 9, 2015
I really need a fresh start
Everytime I think of this blog, I feel sad and aimless. I have changed so much in the past couple years since i ceased the bulk of postings. I don't recognize that girl I used to be as myself and part of me just wants it gone. I'm contemplating now if i want to just ditch this blog altogether, or start a new one, or even start an anonymous one.
I really struggle with how much its appropriate to put "out there." Authenticity and transparency are really important to me, and i've made it a point of sharing not just my successes but my failures as well. But having had those failures used against me makes me question my own idea of what is an appropriate balance.
Additionally some issues in my life have lost importance and I feel like a particular situation which has brought most folks to my blog that still visit here is unnecessary and outdated. My heart's not there anymore. I can think about the situation and not cry anymore. I can associate with the people that were once my world and be ok with the fact that they no longer are. The fact is, the whole situation sucked. and i'm not going to say it was anything but devastating. But i've gotten older and wiser and acknowledge that i've grown and matured and gained SO much self awareness that the losses I experienced, are, in comparison, a drop in the bucket.
I'll leave this post up regardless of what I decide to do. But in all likelihood i'll be deleting posts, moving on and thinking on if blogging is to be a part of my life again.
I really struggle with how much its appropriate to put "out there." Authenticity and transparency are really important to me, and i've made it a point of sharing not just my successes but my failures as well. But having had those failures used against me makes me question my own idea of what is an appropriate balance.
Additionally some issues in my life have lost importance and I feel like a particular situation which has brought most folks to my blog that still visit here is unnecessary and outdated. My heart's not there anymore. I can think about the situation and not cry anymore. I can associate with the people that were once my world and be ok with the fact that they no longer are. The fact is, the whole situation sucked. and i'm not going to say it was anything but devastating. But i've gotten older and wiser and acknowledge that i've grown and matured and gained SO much self awareness that the losses I experienced, are, in comparison, a drop in the bucket.
I'll leave this post up regardless of what I decide to do. But in all likelihood i'll be deleting posts, moving on and thinking on if blogging is to be a part of my life again.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Books for sale!
Hi'm massively decluttering. prices do not include shipping, but i'll offer bulk discounts.
10 or more items- 10% off total
20 or more items- 25% off total.
50 or more items- 50% off total
I am serious about this. MUST.FIND.BOOKSHELVES and here's the thing- description posted is all you're going to get :) can't answer questions, just need to make it happen!!! :) if interested in any of these, please email me at mamakven@gmail.com mamakven at gmail dot com
$1 List
Mighty men, John Crotts
Runaway ralph, beverly cleary, worn
The great controversy
Kingdom's dawn by chuck black
The tattooed rats by Jerry Jenkins
Abba conundrums, book only
Pocket US atlas
Bram stoker, Dracula
classical education and the homeschool, fair cond.
Rod & staff little jewel book- God gives us work
Rod & staff little jewel book- Just four
Rod & staff little jewel book- David's new ball
Rod & Staff little jewel book- The twins' picnic
Confessions of a Reformission rev. Mark Driscoll
Family ties don't have to bind
10 or more items- 10% off total
20 or more items- 25% off total.
50 or more items- 50% off total
I am serious about this. MUST.FIND.BOOKSHELVES and here's the thing- description posted is all you're going to get :) can't answer questions, just need to make it happen!!! :) if interested in any of these, please email me at mamakven@gmail.com mamakven at gmail dot com
New additions: 2/6/14
Science in the creation week, $2
Evan moor, Daily word problems, math, grade 1 $5
Grade 3 $5
Evan-Moor skill sharpeners- math- grade 2 $5
Prentice Hall Science explorer, motion and forces (nice
hardcover) $5
Exploring the world around you, Gary Parker $5
Kingfisher, hands on science, over 150 fantastic experiments
Learn & Do, Kym Wright, Arachnids study $2
Draw write now, #2 Christopher Columbus, autumn harvest,
Queen homeschool copywork for boys $5
Queen homeschool copywork for little boys $5
Active baby healthy brain, $2, small amount of crud on spine
Living books curriculum, grade 2 teaching guide, spiral
bound $25
Large family Logistics $12
The new simply phonics $2
Bluestocking guide to ancient rome $3
Sequential spelling 6 and 7 $7 each
Biblioplan ancient history, timeline and map packet $5
Greenleaf guide to Old Testament history, fair to poor
condition $2
$1 List
Mighty men, John Crotts
Runaway ralph, beverly cleary, worn
The great controversy
Kingdom's dawn by chuck black
The tattooed rats by Jerry Jenkins
Abba conundrums, book only
Pocket US atlas
Bram stoker, Dracula
classical education and the homeschool, fair cond.
Rod & staff little jewel book- God gives us work
Rod & staff little jewel book- Just four
Rod & staff little jewel book- David's new ball
Rod & Staff little jewel book- The twins' picnic
Confessions of a Reformission rev. Mark Driscoll
Family ties don't have to bind
Unlocking secrets of your childhood memories Kevin leman
The socialization trap- Rick Boyer
family manager's guide to summer survival
across 5 aprils, older
Magic tree house #14 day of the dragon king
the time machine, SC bullseye step into classics
Yes they are all ours- Rick boyer (this one is thrashed, but such an awesome book!!)
The giggler treatment
Super fudge, judy bloom
The great gilly hopkins
Will Hobbs- the maze
Sister of the Bride, Beverly Cleary
Warriors into the wild
Warriors fire and ice
seekers, great bear lake
Beverly cleary, strider
The star fisher, Laurence yep
The long winter, Laura Engalls Wilder
the first four years, older, (little house)
On the banks of plum creek
Little Town on the prairie
little house in the big woods
Farmer boy
Little town at the crosswords
Little house on rocky ridge
Little house in the Ozarks
They all laughed, Ira Flatow
CS. lewis, the silver chair,
Charlie and the great glass elevator
five children and it
- on top of concord hill
- Across the rolling river
The golden Goblet, Eloise Jarvis Mcgraw
Roald Dahls' the BFG
Pandora gets jealous
lion the witch and the wardrobe
The socialization trap- Rick Boyer
family manager's guide to summer survival
across 5 aprils, older
Magic tree house #14 day of the dragon king
the time machine, SC bullseye step into classics
Yes they are all ours- Rick boyer (this one is thrashed, but such an awesome book!!)
The giggler treatment
Super fudge, judy bloom
The great gilly hopkins
Will Hobbs- the maze
Sister of the Bride, Beverly Cleary
Warriors into the wild
Warriors fire and ice
seekers, great bear lake
Beverly cleary, strider
The star fisher, Laurence yep
The long winter, Laura Engalls Wilder
the first four years, older, (little house)
On the banks of plum creek
Little Town on the prairie
little house in the big woods
Farmer boy
Little town at the crosswords
Little house on rocky ridge
Little house in the Ozarks
They all laughed, Ira Flatow
CS. lewis, the silver chair,
Charlie and the great glass elevator
five children and it
- on top of concord hill
- Across the rolling river
The golden Goblet, Eloise Jarvis Mcgraw
Roald Dahls' the BFG
Pandora gets jealous
lion the witch and the wardrobe
$2 list
Don't know much about the 50 states- hardcover
window on the world, some wear
Stewardship unit study- christopher columbus
disciplines of the beautiful woman, older
Living with God by Nancy Gorrell
Redemption, mark driscoll
Baptism, 3 views
Renewing your mind, RC. Sproul
The lost Baron
know why you believe (2 copies)
Classical Christian education, Douglas Wilson
Joy in the journey, Lori Hatcher, rough condition\
Sword fighting, Karyn Henley
The pursuit of God, Tozer
introduction to family nights toolchest
treasure principle hardcover
Keys to the deeper life, Tozer
Soundbites from heaven, Rachael Carman
The case for faith
Safely home, Tom Eldredge
Big thoughts for little thinkers- the gospel
More joy for the journey, hardcover gift type book
Boyhood and beyond
Premeditated parenting
South Sea Island rescut by Kay Walsh, a trailblazers book new
Ivan and the secret in the suitcase, Myrna Grant new
Stuart's run to faith
know What and why you believe, in a single volume, older but good cond.
Daddy's blessing, bby Randy and Lisa Wilson small hardcover- new
Stepping heavenward elizabeth prentiss, like new
Don't waste your life, John Piper, like new
Christian family living, CLP
Hands on dad by rick boyer
Heart of a mother, compliation of true stories of encouragement and inspiration
Federal Husband, Douglas Wilson
Let every heart prepare him room, daily family devotions for advent- Nancy Guthrie, new, hardback gift book
For women only, hardcover
$4 list
Heaven is for real
Summer with the moodys
Beautiful Girlhood- Karen Andreola
Love and respect, Hardcover
You can change the world plus 2 activity books
Christ in the chaos
Advice for seekers, Charles Spurgeon, the new hardback gift book
Bible story cards lot- including storytelling and review guide, charts and maps, new testament coloring book, and new testament cards
Small talks about God- hardcover
What the Bible is all about, reproducible maps, charts, timelines and illustrations.
Leonard's Biblical chronological charts
Family worship hymnal, CLP'
More Charlotte mason education, catherine levinson
Treasuring God in our traditions
Doors to discovery reader, Christian light, grade 3 hardback
Everyday battles, knowing God through our daily conflicts
Cornerstones of freedom, the story of the homestead act
Idols of the heart, Elise Fitzpatrick
The way home, Mary pride
Just do something, kevin DeYoung
Tom Watkins' mistake, lamplighter publishing hardcover new
Speaking mom-ese by Lisa Whelchel, hardback missing its dust cover
This is my story, Lisa whelchel cover bent
Homeschooling from a biblical worldview , Israel Wayne
$6 list
Cover wonky
$8 list
The true story of Noah's ark- new- with cd, nice hardback, by Tom Dooley
Bedell curriculum- older version set of 5 plus an extra creation book. this is an all encompassing curriculum based on Bible history, so its all integrated. very cool.
homeschool family fitness, a complete curriculum guide. fair/good condition
Big thoughts for little thinkers, set of 3 Gospel, trinity, mission. here's one- http://www.amazon.com/Big-Thoughts-For-Little-Thinkers/dp/089221614X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389328853&sr=8-1&keywords=big+thoughts+for+little+thinkers
Naturally Healthy woman, Shonda Parker
BCF Self confrontation, a manual for in-depth biblical discipleship
The well trained mind
$15 list
$20 list
Exploring creation with zoology 3, 2, 1
Essentially new(these will be discounted a max of $5- $1 for each $10 spent
All about spelling 1, all about reading 1, boxes scuffed otherwise like new
Asking 75% of retail- no extra discount
No discount on this- $20
No discount, partial set my fathers world, creation to Greeks $100
Friday, October 4, 2013
i deleted my last post. One of many posts i've deleted. Who I am is offensive to so many right now. i hate that. I wish i could express who I really am, what's going on with me, but i can't. I can't because everything i say is scrutinized, i'm judged- by 2 categories of people, 1. those who just plain don't GET it, or don't have enough life experience to know that sometimes life gets complicated. and 2. people who have been in the same boat, or similar, who have NO problem casting stones, nonetheless- hypocrites. Well i'm done putting myself out there to be scrutinized. You all win.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Why i haven't posted in a while...
So i haven't posted here in a while. The reason is, i've been going through a very serious situation, one that has completely and utterly changed me, its taught me so many lessons, and showed me who I can trust and who i can't. Its proved to me that sometimes i really am just plain alone in the world. And that i have to be ok with that, i have to be ok in my own skin. I've not posted a Daring Greatly chapter, largely because i've not had the courage to dare greatly. Sometimes, i'm learning, authenticity must take a backseat to the needs of others. That's a frustrating understanding when you live your whole life focused "solely" on the needs of others, and then you reach a point, like I did, where something JUST for you comes up. And its then that you realize that your life really isn't your own, you've painted yourself into a corner, and there's really nothing that you can do about it. And that no matter WHAT you do, you will still be considered by most everyone to be a scumbag. And what's worse, no one truly understands where you are. No one gets the path that you are on that put you in this place, and frankly, no one cares. You must tow the line, you must do what is expected of you. And you know it. And at some point you have to just NOT care what others think of you. You have to live your life, you have to realize that many of the people that judge you, do so having had their own life experience that was very similar. They are content to be hypocrites and throw you under the bus, having no compassion, no understanding, no cognizance of the fact that THEY were YOU once. And it is what it is.
The fact is, i'm a changed person, and i don't fit anymore. And i don't know what to do about that. Its wreaking havoc on my mental health, on my marriage, on my psyche. But i can't DO anything about it, i just have to keep on going. Denial only goes so far, and while you can keep yourself busy, you can keep yourself distracted, you can use alcohol to quiet your brain, the fact remains that there are quiet moments, when you simply can't escape yourself any longer. And you are face to face with yourself- your own disastrous train-wreck self. And that sucks. I'm hoping to get to the point where I can truly understand that scared lonely girl in the mirror. Where i can look back and say, "you are ok. It is what it is- keep going. You have a lot of people counting on you" And just feel ok about that.
I hope to post more. i hope to get to the point where i'm courageous enough to post more. Because being cowardly isn't my style at all. And no matter how hurt I get putting myself out there, its my nature. Because deep down, i know that there's a great success story inside of me, trying to come out. A story of beating the odds, of NOT lying down and telling those who have tried so hard to kill me, "YOU WIN" Because honestly, that's what i want to do. The fact that i'm alive right now is 100% due to my children who need me, and who love me no matter the train-wreck i've become.
Thanks for listening- thanks for reading and withholding judgement. Thanks for being my friends.
The fact is, i'm a changed person, and i don't fit anymore. And i don't know what to do about that. Its wreaking havoc on my mental health, on my marriage, on my psyche. But i can't DO anything about it, i just have to keep on going. Denial only goes so far, and while you can keep yourself busy, you can keep yourself distracted, you can use alcohol to quiet your brain, the fact remains that there are quiet moments, when you simply can't escape yourself any longer. And you are face to face with yourself- your own disastrous train-wreck self. And that sucks. I'm hoping to get to the point where I can truly understand that scared lonely girl in the mirror. Where i can look back and say, "you are ok. It is what it is- keep going. You have a lot of people counting on you" And just feel ok about that.
I hope to post more. i hope to get to the point where i'm courageous enough to post more. Because being cowardly isn't my style at all. And no matter how hurt I get putting myself out there, its my nature. Because deep down, i know that there's a great success story inside of me, trying to come out. A story of beating the odds, of NOT lying down and telling those who have tried so hard to kill me, "YOU WIN" Because honestly, that's what i want to do. The fact that i'm alive right now is 100% due to my children who need me, and who love me no matter the train-wreck i've become.
Thanks for listening- thanks for reading and withholding judgement. Thanks for being my friends.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Today... sigh....
Is my beautiful twinnie's birthday. Wow. There really are no words. EXCEPT that Twins age SO much faster than singletons. Its entirely no fair. So I thought i'd just share some pictures that Andrew posted to facebook today.
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Elliott left, Asher, right |
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Asher is in salmon, Elliott in blue- i think. |
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Elliott, left, Asher, right |
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A rare smiling Leif picture! he's playing in dirt, so that's why. |
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Me, Leif, and Alex, when he was going through his goofy looking stage :) |
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aww... best buddies, Nik and Chloe. Both have changed, SO much! |
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Extraordinarily beautiful Annabeth, looking just like Grandma Lois in this picture! |
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Daddy and Lovely Chloe |
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Alex, so little... |
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Nik |
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Leif |
Monday, June 17, 2013
Blogging- a change of heart.
You know what? This blog is for me. Its for ME. I'm going to say what i'm going to say, and if anyone doesn't like it, or doesn't want to hear it, they have a number of options. 1. Leave. Don't visit anymore. This is the most proactive one. 2. Be all nasty and passive aggressive and make a mental list of things to use against me at a later time. This one is one that I discourage, for obvious reasons. But at the same time, I can only take ownership for my own issues, not yours, so if you must, scheme away. Yeah, i think i'm posting this, primarily as an act of rebellion- a taking back of my space.
So its probably a bad idea, baring my soul period, particularly when I'm in the midst of the migraine from hell, and i'll mention that due to my own mommy issues, i will NEVER be taking pain killers stronger than excedrin or perhaps aleve, due to the fact that i'm not even going to take the risk of putting my kids through what I went through as a kid, Ain't happenin'. So here i am, all zoned out and ranting....
Perhaps though, zoned out ranting is the best way to be clear enough, clear via fuzzy, in the thoughts that are zooming through my head, at warp speed, as always. Its funny how that works. Anyway, i've determined that people suck. That i hate being vulnerable, that i hate being close to people because they ALWAYS let you down, (though i'm convinced my children are the exception to that rule, thank goodness) That I have NO idea what God is doing in my life, nor do I have a clue what the heck it is, exactly that He wants from me, Since He seems to be breaking me down to nothing.... AS usual.
And while those who are SUPPOSED to be close to me are too busy trying to manipulate me into.... whatever, heck i don't even know what their goals are, I'm stuck in this place, where no matter HOW HARD I try, i simply CANNOT, "just get over" the PTSD disaster that is my life. Seriously, if i COULD, do you not think i'd jump all over that?! really?! Because this isn't exactly a picnic. That's not even an adequate way of describing my situation. I wish those of you who have been busy slamming me could have just a taste of what my life is like right now. Let me give that to you in the only way i can- by writing.
So the problem is this- I have PTSD, I seem just fine. I have seemed just fine for like a decade now. NO flashbacks, NO night terrors, NO triggers. I foolishly thought i was somehow "cured." until i was triggered. BADLY. until i had an intimate experience with my husband, looked into his sweet face, and saw my stepfather. The one who molested me from toddlerhood. There's more to it, but its too personal to post on a blog- even mine. Suffice to say that i'm all Effed up right now, and i see no way out. My goal in therapy has been to try to figure out what it is from my past that i'm trying to recover. What it is that draws me to people and places that I dont' remember that were a part of me. I've been advised by my new PTSD friends, that looking for memories, others memories is not helpful and can even be quite harmful. But i don't know where that leaves me. I'm a lost person- an UN-person, a person who was born at the age of 18. I'm a person without a past, Or rather, with a past that is hidden from me. What do I do with that? Do i push, do i go back to "home" to try to recover my lost self, and hope it doesn't kill me in the process. Do i wait for it to come crashing back on top of me, uncontrollably. Do I pursue people that have ZERO interest in me, that are supposed to love me, but somehow just didn't get that memo! WHAT do I do? Do i avoid memories altogether and simply "redefine" myself? Maybe... but what if I do it wrong. What if i define myself as the wrong person. You see what an interesting predicament this puts me in. I have no idea what to do with myself. I am trying to find myself but i'm like a needle in a haystack. WHERE to begin? I have no clue. I have NO blessed clue. All i know is that for once feeling so successful, today I feel like a complete failure. That is all.
So its probably a bad idea, baring my soul period, particularly when I'm in the midst of the migraine from hell, and i'll mention that due to my own mommy issues, i will NEVER be taking pain killers stronger than excedrin or perhaps aleve, due to the fact that i'm not even going to take the risk of putting my kids through what I went through as a kid, Ain't happenin'. So here i am, all zoned out and ranting....
Perhaps though, zoned out ranting is the best way to be clear enough, clear via fuzzy, in the thoughts that are zooming through my head, at warp speed, as always. Its funny how that works. Anyway, i've determined that people suck. That i hate being vulnerable, that i hate being close to people because they ALWAYS let you down, (though i'm convinced my children are the exception to that rule, thank goodness) That I have NO idea what God is doing in my life, nor do I have a clue what the heck it is, exactly that He wants from me, Since He seems to be breaking me down to nothing.... AS usual.
And while those who are SUPPOSED to be close to me are too busy trying to manipulate me into.... whatever, heck i don't even know what their goals are, I'm stuck in this place, where no matter HOW HARD I try, i simply CANNOT, "just get over" the PTSD disaster that is my life. Seriously, if i COULD, do you not think i'd jump all over that?! really?! Because this isn't exactly a picnic. That's not even an adequate way of describing my situation. I wish those of you who have been busy slamming me could have just a taste of what my life is like right now. Let me give that to you in the only way i can- by writing.
So the problem is this- I have PTSD, I seem just fine. I have seemed just fine for like a decade now. NO flashbacks, NO night terrors, NO triggers. I foolishly thought i was somehow "cured." until i was triggered. BADLY. until i had an intimate experience with my husband, looked into his sweet face, and saw my stepfather. The one who molested me from toddlerhood. There's more to it, but its too personal to post on a blog- even mine. Suffice to say that i'm all Effed up right now, and i see no way out. My goal in therapy has been to try to figure out what it is from my past that i'm trying to recover. What it is that draws me to people and places that I dont' remember that were a part of me. I've been advised by my new PTSD friends, that looking for memories, others memories is not helpful and can even be quite harmful. But i don't know where that leaves me. I'm a lost person- an UN-person, a person who was born at the age of 18. I'm a person without a past, Or rather, with a past that is hidden from me. What do I do with that? Do i push, do i go back to "home" to try to recover my lost self, and hope it doesn't kill me in the process. Do i wait for it to come crashing back on top of me, uncontrollably. Do I pursue people that have ZERO interest in me, that are supposed to love me, but somehow just didn't get that memo! WHAT do I do? Do i avoid memories altogether and simply "redefine" myself? Maybe... but what if I do it wrong. What if i define myself as the wrong person. You see what an interesting predicament this puts me in. I have no idea what to do with myself. I am trying to find myself but i'm like a needle in a haystack. WHERE to begin? I have no clue. I have NO blessed clue. All i know is that for once feeling so successful, today I feel like a complete failure. That is all.
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